I turned 60 this past week and more than anything I feel grateful. This last decade has been, to borrow Glennon Doyle’s word, “Brutiful” with big, exciting, beautiful things (launching my three amazing boys into the world, building Camp Reinvention, traveling to National Parks, to name a few), the daily...
“Retirement “– What does that mean to you?
We’re living longer, healthier lives than ever before AND YET for some stupid reason almost all of us are still subscribing to the 1950’s paradigm of retirement, when a person (typically a man) would have – if lucky – a couple of years to relax and play before their final...
Turning 60
Back in my NYC days, I loved rollerblading around Central Park. Despite the epic fall that created the largest, most magnificent bruise I have ever seen, I loved it. The freedom, the speed, the coolness of experiencing the city that I love on 4 tiny wheels.\ I was 28 then,...
The Time that You Have
I’ve been thinking alot lately about the preciousness of life and the gift of every one of these days we have here on earth. My dad just passed and he was fortunate to be gifted 31,540 of these days. It brings me so much peace to know that the last...
The 1440 Minutes You Have Today
I’m so happy I took Monday afternoon off to experience the awe of the solar eclipse. We had a partial (90%) eclipse, and it was amazing to see how much light remained with just a sliver of sun peaking through. It got me thinking… WHY ARE SO MANY PEOPLE LIVING...
I want to feel fully ALIVE
I recently turned 59 and with each passing year I’m acutely aware of how lucky I am to be alive and how precious the remaining days are that we have left on earth. While we don’t get to decide how many days we have left, we do get to choose...