I had a sobering experience this week… I challenged myself to take a Barre class and it totally kicked my butt. Who knew a ballerina bar with lots of small, deceptively demanding exercises could be such a challenge! Yikes! I’ve always viewed myself as a pretty athletic person, able to...
Turning 60
Back in my NYC days, I loved rollerblading around Central Park. Despite the epic fall that created the largest, most magnificent bruise I have ever seen, I loved it. The freedom, the speed, the coolness of experiencing the city that I love on 4 tiny wheels.\ I was 28 then,...
Don’t Worry
If you’re feeling worried, overwhelmed, depleted and/or down this this little guy has you covered. When he says “EVERYTHING WILL BE ALL RIGHT”, I believe him. Perhaps you will too. Enjoy!! And have a wonderful rest of the week! Seriously, don’t worry. “Worry” is brilliant at only one thing – Robbing...
The Time that You Have
I’ve been thinking alot lately about the preciousness of life and the gift of every one of these days we have here on earth. My dad just passed and he was fortunate to be gifted 31,540 of these days. It brings me so much peace to know that the last...
The 1440 Minutes You Have Today
I’m so happy I took Monday afternoon off to experience the awe of the solar eclipse. We had a partial (90%) eclipse, and it was amazing to see how much light remained with just a sliver of sun peaking through. It got me thinking… WHY ARE SO MANY PEOPLE LIVING...
Could you use a little soul care?
I met with one of my amazing clients today, a woman that radiates love, energy and a contagious zest for life. Not to say she doesn’t have her challenges, she does. It’s how she keeps herself grounded, at peace and intentional that makes all the difference in how she navigates...
What are you waiting for?
“If we wait until we’re ready, we’ll be waiting for the rest of our lives.” – Unknown How many times have the following words come flying out of your mouth…? “When I have more time I will…” “I’ll be ready when …” “I can’t take time for my dream (or...
I Am Woman
I remember like it was yesterday… Singing, with my 6th grade bestie, at the top of our lungs (with microphone pool stick in hand) … Helen Reddy’s “I AM WOMAN, HEAR ME ROAR, … “ I loved that song – Such strong, optimistic, empowering words. Words that became a call-to-action for our generation...
Loving What Is
It’s that time of year when we’re celebrating LOVE… While we’re busy celebrating the love we have for the people in our lives and (hopefully) the love we have for ourselves, there is a 3rd type of love that is often forgotten… LOVING WHAT IS. We’re often so busy doing,...
I Suck (and joyfully so)
It’s been a long time since I sucked at something. I’m not saying this to brag because the truth is, it’s been ages since I tried something totally and uncomfortably new… just for fun. And this something is art because I’ve considered myself to be “not artistic” since the tree...