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The Happy Key

How many times have you thought that happiness is sitting right on the other side of… …landing the dream job? …finding romance? …losing weight? …or making more money? In truth, things are the other way around. Events and circumstances, it turns out, do not deliver happiness. Research has shown that...

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What are you waiting for?

If we wait until we’re ready, we’ll be waiting for the rest of our lives.” – Unknown How many times have these words come flying out of your mouth? When I have more time I will… I’ll be ready when … I can’t take time for my dream because… Who am...

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What Do You REALLY Want?

If you lack clarity, or you find yourself chasing too many things and/or are derailed every time a shiny new opportunity appears, this is written for you. Clarity is power. The clearer you are about what you want, the better your chance is of actually achieving it. We humans all...

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The afternoon knows what the morning never suspected. -Robert Frost How old is too old? The answer really depends on who’s doing the the asking (and answering). Enter one of the hottest topics of the over 50 set. Ageism. Research conducted by AARP shows that older workers experience considerably longer...

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Are you listening?

One of the biggest gifts you can give to someone you love is your undivided attention. The #1 predictor of your happiness and wellbeing is the quality of your relationships. We humans need to belong. Want want to be understood. And we need to know that we matter. So if...

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Wake up to JOY

THIS WEEK: What Gets You Up in the Morning? Do what makes you happy AND pursue what lights you up! When was the last time you woke up with joy? With a sense of eager anticipation for what the day will bring? If you’re not sure, you’re not alone. Jobs, care...

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You Can Decide to Be Happy

You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore before you decide to be happy. — Jane Marczewski (a.k.a. “Nightbird”) If you have been reading my writing for a little while you likely know the core belief that guides all the work I do…. It is never too late to pursue...

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