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Are you listening?

One of the biggest gifts you can give to someone you love is your undivided attention.

The #1 predictor of your happiness and wellbeing is the quality of your relationships.
We humans need to belong. Want want to be understood. And we need to know that we matter.

So if you want to have loving, beautiful relationships you need to listen. Truly listen. And it’s very easy for the noise of the world and the even louder noise of your mind to get in the way.

Let’s do a little check in…

How often are you “with” a friend or loved one but you’re not really with them?
And how often do you pretend you’re listening (but you’re really not) because you already know what they’re going to say?

No judgement here, we all do it.

And it happens most with those that we are closest to.

But here’s the truth – One of the biggest gifts you can give to someone you love is your undivided attention.

Listening is an incredible gift.

So here’s our challenge to you…
Next time you’re with someone that is important to you…
Ask questions.Be curious.
And listen with kind eyes.

No interrupting.

No judging.

No solving.

And no “me toos.”

Just listening so beautifully and so fully that they feel heard and understood.

Remember, it’s never too late to pursue a dream, and that just may include being more connected to those you love.


  • Embrace the challenge above. What did you notice?