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You are Like a Plant

You are like a plant. Too little sun and water, and you won’t thrive. Too much sun and water, and you won’t thrive either. You need balance. To live well, you need the perfect amount of work, fun, rest, challenge, peace and love. If the balance is out of whack,...

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Permission Granted

I’ve worked with hundreds of people and the grand majority of them have one thing in common: They don’t give themselves permission to do the thing they want to do. They are waiting… to have more money, for more time, to have better health, more knowledge… for a bullet-proof plan,...

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Busy, Busy

We are all so damn busy. How many times have you been walking through town and seen someone you haven’t seen in a while and the exchange goes something like… “How are you?” “Busy, Busy…” “How are you?” No real conversation. No real connection. And the day moves on, one...

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Stuck in your head?

Even the most ambitious person can find themselves saying “I wish I could just get out of my head!” It’s easy to kid yourself that you’re making progress because you’ve been exerting tons of energy figuring out your next step. But when you’re stuck in your head you are NOT...

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Listen Up

Did you know that the #1 predictor of your happiness and wellbeing is the quality of your relationships? We need to belong. We want to be understood. And we need to know that we matter. So, if you want to have loving, beautiful relationships you really do need to listen....

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The Happy Key

How many times have you thought that happiness is sitting right on the other side of… …landing the dream job? …finding romance? …losing weight? …or making more money? In truth, things are the other way around. Events and circumstances, it turns out, do not deliver happiness. Research has shown that...

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