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Welcome to my new site! While I feel victorious getting this up prior to our immersion, I had to let go of the “perfect” scenario of having the homepage filled with beautiful blog posts. I am trying to embrace “good enough” so I am choosing to relish in my good enough success. Cheers!

Author Archives: Dana Hilmer

About Dana Hilmer

My mission is simple: to help you live your truth and create the life you crave. I am a transformation coach and the founder and host of two online programs: the THRIVE*circle and PowerBreak, a weekly reboot program. I live in a beautiful shoreline town in CT with my husband and three boys and when plugged in can be found on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Hope to see you there!

Stuck in your head?

Even the most ambitious person can find themselves saying “I wish I could just get out of my head!” It’s easy to kid yourself that you’re making progress because you’ve been exerting tons of energy figuring out your next step. But when you’re stuck in your head you are NOT...

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The Happy Key

How many times have you thought that happiness is sitting right on the other side of… …landing the dream job? …finding romance? …losing weight? …or making more money? In truth, things are the other way around. Events and circumstances, it turns out, do not deliver happiness. Research has shown that...

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The afternoon knows what the morning never suspected. -Robert Frost How old is too old? The answer really depends on who’s doing the the asking (and answering). Enter one of the hottest topics of the over 50 set. Ageism. Research conducted by AARP shows that older workers experience considerably longer...

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