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The Duality of Life

As I write this, the stock market is tumbling, LA is reeling from devastation and we’re experiencing more political change and uncertainty than we can easily wrap our heads around. Much of the heaviness is visible but some ⎼ our own personal battles ⎼ are invisible, hidden beneath brave faces and casual “I’m fine” responses.

The truth is, some days are harder than others. Some mornings, even getting out of bed feels like a monumental task. And that’s okay. We must acknowledge that showing up fully isn’t always possible, and that’s part of being human.

Yet here’s what I find remarkable about the human spirit: we can hold seemingly contradictory truths simultaneously.

Life is a dance of opposites:
both light AND dark, joy AND sorrow.

We can feel deeply worried about global challenges while finding joy in the little moments that make up our days.

We can be uncertain about the future while remaining hopeful about possibilities.

We can feel overwhelmed by our responsibilities while being grateful for the full lives we have built.

This duality isn’t a flaw in our thinking – it’s a testament to our capacity to experience life in its full richness. Just as dawn and dusk coexist on the same day, our hearts are spacious enough to hold both light and shadow. When we acknowledge both we give ourselves permission to be fully human.

In times like these, I focus on what’s within my control. The news might feel depressing, but I can choose how I engage with it. The future might be uncertain, but I can decide how I spend this moment. And while we can’t control everything, we can always control our response to what life presents us.

So I invite you to pause and ask yourself…
“What do I have control over right now?”
What small step can I take today that would make a difference?

Remember, transformative change usually begins with shifting your focus and taking a tiny step. Do this on repeat and you’ll be moving in the direction you want to go.

P.S. If you’d like help navigating a transition or some of the challenges life is throwing your way, feel free to pop in my calendar to book a free coaching consultation. I’d love to speak with you.