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Embracing a Gentle Start to the New Year

I’m reaching out today to share something important ⎯ It’s okay to start the year off slowly. In fact, it’s more than okay. Right now there is a lot in the world that feels overwhelming and heavy and the pressure to hit the ground running in January can be intense. I want to remind you that healing, rest and self-compassion are not luxuries, they’re necessities. Give yourself permission to:

Prioritize your mental and emotional wellbeing
Be kind to yourself during challenging moments
And take small (tiny, even) steps consistently forward

Remember, progress isn’t about speed. Sometimes, it’s about gentle persistence and treating yourself with the same compassion you’d offer to a dear friend. And as shared by Mae West – “Anything worth doing is worth doing slowly.”

The journey matters more than the destination. Take a deep breath. You’re doing better thank you think.

Big love –
